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Circunext B.V. is founded by Eelke de Vries and Tibor Molnár, two friends with extensive expertise in feedstocks trading for biofuel, supply chain management, and a deep understanding of sustainability regulations. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional service, fostering strong partnerships, and making a positive impact on the environment.



We specialize in trading feedstocks for biofuel and managing the biofuel supply chain with efficiency, comfort and enthusiasm! We understand that navigating complex regulations can be challenging, but worry not - we are here to help. With our expertise, we can guide you through the regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. Let us handle your feedstock trading and logistics needs while providing a seamless experience and a friendly approach.

We're excited about what lies ahead in the future. Let's team up and have a great time while achieving mutual success!

Afbeelding van WhatsApp op 2023-07-20 om 13.43.11.jpg
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